Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Do When He Does

"I Do!!" Those are two words that a lot of single women long to say. I mean think about it. When we were growing up as little girls we would read or have stories read to us about the princess who was done wrong but in the end got her "Prince Charming." So we think awww, that's going to happen for me one day. After a while, the fairy tales are substituted for movies that have the same storyline. You know, the girl who works hard but is under paid or mistreated and the man of her dreams comes and sweeps her off her feet. Talk about a tear jerker, I cry like a newborn baby. LOL!!

We already have these preconceived ideas of our "happily ever after" but where does that come into play when you are in Christ? Our first and foremost goal is to advance the kingdom. The bible says, "I would like you to be free from concern. An unmarried man is concerned about the Lord's affairs--how he can please the Lord"1 Corinthians 7:32 NIV. We see that God doesn't want us to worry about these natural things but focus on how we can take care of His business. 

I have to tell you, it took some time for me to really understand this. As my pastor describes it, I had head knowledge but it wasn't in my heart. I remember saying, there is no way that I will end up alone like my mom and my aunt (no offense mommy). So whenever the opportunity presented itself to date or go out with someone, I accepted. Why, why, why do we do this to ourselves? I'm not saying that there is something wrong with going out on dates. I'm just saying that if you already know that this person is not going where you are going, why entertain the idea just to have someone with you? For instance, I know that whomever the Lord has for me will have to be saved, sanctified, and Holy Ghost filled. I'm not talking about they have the potential for these things. I mean they are already walking in it.

While you are waiting, take this time to seek God unlike ever before. I mean really chase Him and find out His plan for your life. Use this time to pray, fast, and study. In addition to those things, I've used this time to go to school, started this blog, and a blog radio show. My focus shifted from wanting someone to wanting to share the message of Jesus. You never know what God will do through you and the lives that will be impacted from your submission and obedience to Him. 

You probably are thinking ok Gina all that's fine and well but you still haven't said when it will happen for me. That's an easy one, it will happen when He (God) does it for you. It will be in His divine timing and not a second sooner. We have to understand that God knows when the time is right. Sometimes we think we are ready for things and God is like no you need me to work a few things out of you first. It may be some past hurt that you need to be healed from before you get into another relationship. If not, you may sabotage what God has for you based on what happened in your past.

So, as the word of God says, "...let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" Galatians 6:9. Praise Jehovah!! If we just hold on to His promises we are going to receive everything that God has for us. That means Boaz and not Bozo!! God knows the desires of your heart. Just continue to put Him first and watch what happens!

Until next time.....


  1. Hey Gee love the blog. You no i want to applaud you for sharing what God has given you. This is our purpose to encourage and to keep it real thru our experiences you can always help somebody thru your life. Thats all life is a testimony of what you been thru(keyword through) I like wat you said wat we think were ready for may not be wat GOD is saying our timing may be off. but most of all the most powerful statement chosing a mate similiar to past hurts!!!!!!!! that very profound people do it all the time!!!! Be blessed sis i aint gon talk your head off!!!!!!

  2. Remberrt, thank you so much for your comment! You're absolutely right. Life is a testimony. I like that! Be blessed and thanks again for taking to time to read and comment.

  3. Yes, i totally agree with you on this blog. Boaz and not Bozo...amen. Number one of my list is that "he" has to be saved which means he totally let go and let God. But I want that for everyone man. When you have your mind on the things of God, his word can't return void..."He has to give you the desires of your heart." Bravo Gina, this is just confirmation to me. Thanks.

  4. Amen Sis, I am with you there. I want that for everyone's man too and vice versa for every man's woman. I love how you brought out that His word won't and can't return void. Those are the promises that I'm resting on!

  5. The reason I said that I want everyone man to totally let go and let God, is that men are not sensitive to the Holy Spirit. They have been conditioned to be strong, hard, and not let go. Women are more sensitive, soft, yielding, and more adapt to let go. I just love the blogs that you and Bryan post, great info and I always have something to comment, lol. God Bless!!!

  6. Yes, I understand what you are saying. I certainly agree! I love your comments..God Bless!!
