Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Take Your Past Off Repeat

I often share on Facebook what's on my heart and mind at that particular time. One day I began to talk about the past. Hmmm...the past. The past is one of the things that can cause a tremendous hindrance when it comes to embracing your assignment and your future in general. Sometimes when we come to Christ, we let the mistakes of our past stagnate us from growing on in God. In fact, we often are hesitant in asking Him to be our Lord and Savior all because of our past. We can feel as though we've done too much wrong for Him to want us. There are some who've messed up so much that even their families don't want anything to do with them. Isn't it wonderful that we can find rest in knowing that God is not like man! The word of God says "When my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take me up" Psalm 27:10.

This was one of my struggles. I felt like I've done too much. I felt like I got so far out there that the possibility of returning was nonexistent. Nevertheless, I've always had an inward yearning to return. I believe this is why we are instructed to bring our children up in the things of God. Anyway, I will never forget the night I accepted Christ. A co-worker of mine kept inviting me to services so eventually I went to bible study with her. My current pastor, whom I love dearly, prayed for me (he wasn't my pastor at the time). He ministered a prophetic word to me and I just broke down and cried. Immediately after that service we went to another service and after the message the speaker grabbed me by the hand, prayed for me, and I accepted Christ.

This was the most wonderful experience I ever felt. I felt burdens lifted I just felt so refreshed and liberated. I called my mom and she was crying. I called my friend and she started shouting over the phone LOL!! I told you I was mess so they were happy. So you're probably waiting for me to say that from that time until now I haven't looked back. Sorry, I wish that were the case.

Taking your past off repeat also means once you're free, don't go back to what had you bound. The word of God says "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Galatians 5:1. I lost focus and started trying to fulfill my heart's desires on my own. Let me tell ya once you go back, the struggle to be free is much more intense but God can and will deliver. I am determined not to repeat that process again. Staying free takes an every day effort. You can't expect to stay free if you don't stay in constant fellowship with God. You must continually read your word, pray, and seek God's face. God is able to keep you from falling but you must do your part.

So I say to you if you are free, do not let anything steal your focus. Share the love of Christ with others and help them become and stay free. If you have walked away, you have an advocate with the Father. You can repent of your sins (turn away from completely) and let the Lord restore you. Don't get me started on that...that's a blog all by itself ..Lord knows I've been redeemed and I can't help but say so!!! Ok, back to what I was saying. If you have yet to come to Christ, there's a pool of blood drawn from Immanuel's veins that He's waiting to plunge you beneath to wash away all of your guilt and shame. Come to Jesus!! I love you all with the love of Christ. Until next time...


  1. What......dis da chick dat was all nerves in training and now, fb, tweet and blogging!!

  2. Gina, this blog is a blessing. Revelations 12:11 says, "They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony." You have surely done that with this blog. Continue to allow the Lord to use you. Love you...mean it.

  3. Jen, Thanks so much for the encouragement. Love you too.. mean it!!

  4. Beautiful Sis! Looking forward to what God is doing in and thru you!
