Friday, October 29, 2010

Trick or Treat

We are approaching the time in which many celebrate Halloween. The first thing that comes to my mind is people in various costumes running around yelling TRICK OR TREAT!!! So I guess either the person is supposed to be tricked or treated. It’s funny how things in the natural realm run parallel with things in the spirit realm. With us, we are a spirit with a soul that is clothed in a costume of flesh.  The enemy’s desire is to trick us into damnation but God wants to treat us to eternal life.

Ever heard the saying "every thing that glitters isn’t gold"? Well that's exactly what satan does. He makes things appear so wonderful. I mean it really sparkles just to get you drawn in; however, his ultimate goal is to destroy you. Remember, he’s constantly searching for whom he may devour. He'll have that unsaved man smelling and looking all good with some dimples and a six-pack. Have Mercy!! Oh excuse me... He'll have that quick hustle (that you know you don’t have any business doing) come along at just the right time. You know, when all of your bills are due and you're feeling the pressure because you are supposed to be the provider. Can I get a amen!!

The thing is, he doesn’t hit you with it all at once. No, because that would be too obvious. He's a sneaky lil joka, an opportunist. In Luke 22: 31 - 32 the word of the Lord says, "....satan hath desired [to have] you, that he may sift [you] as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: ....". He'll start subtly and then when you are at the point where you are most vulnerable emotionally or physically, he will pounce in for the attack.  

Jesus came to treat us with abundant life. A life of peace, love, and joy. So no matter how chaotic the situation may seem, he's got your back. In the word of God we're told that "...when the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him”. You can find that in Isaiah 59:19.

I don't know about you but I don't have time to be tricked. I want the treat hunny. Or better yet like my pastor says, I want the gift, not the wage. He says that based on this scripture: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord”. Romans 6:23

So I pose this question: What will it be for you, Trick or Treat????

Until next time.....