Friday, November 12, 2010

You Rock

Tonight I finally got the opportunity to see the BET special "Black Girls Rock". This show was designed to celebrate the accomplishments of black women. I saw a plethora of women representing various walks of life. I applaud their successes. However, I thought to myself, none of those women are any different than we are.

It doesn't matter what your race or gender is we all have the potential to achieve greatness. So why aren't we? One of the biggest hindrances from seeing our dreams and goals come into fruition is how we see ourselves. The bible says, "Where [there is] no vision, the people perish..."Proverbs 29:18. It could be that we see ourselves a certain way because that's what was propagated to us. If you hear something long enough, you tend to start believing it.

Even though this may be true, why aren’t we moving forward? I understand if you feel like you were not dealt a fair hand. This actually may be the case. Your neighbor could be trump tight while you are over there bleeding (had a Spades moment). LOL!! As I often say, your background or situation does not determine your destiny. I can sit here and tell you all day how special you are but change will not come until you believe it. I'm preaching to the choir!! All you have to do is position yourself properly and never give up. It's inevitable, the possibilities will become endless.  The bible says it like this, "The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all" Ecclesiastes 9:11 NIV. This means at any given moment it could be your time to shine.

So I want you to let go of what happened in the past. Remember, take your past off repeat. People may have intentionally hurt you. They may have tried to break you but I want you to take a piece of yourself back each day. I told you for me it was a great struggle and took time to heal. I had to take the years of negative words and criticisms and replace them with positive words. I spoke life. "Death and life [are] in the power of the tongue...."Proverbs 18:21.

One of the exercises Pastor had me do was look in the mirror and say "you're a beautiful black woman." As I said those words tears would roll down my face. It took all I had to look at myself. I didn't even like the sound of my voice. I didn't believe what I said for one minute but I was obedient to what my leader said. I can't tell you when I start believing those words but hunny, you can't tell a sister nothing now..LOL!! I'm a fine chocolate thang!!

You are an authentic creation by God almighty, not some cheap replica. You are precious cargo, a rare jewel. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. He wants you to prosper and to succeed. Anytime you start to doubt who you are and what you are capable of, I want you to come back and read this post. I hope you read it until you believe it. You rock!!

Until next time…


  1. You ROCK for posting this. You and B are on the same thought process with your recent posts. I love your Spades moment, lol. Psalms 139:14, I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. When I got a hold of that, my thought process started changing. When your self esteem ain't right, it affects every aspect of your life. For me I became a people pleaser. Now, cause I got my mind right, I strive to please God first. I Corinthians 15:10, But by the grace of God I am what I am...I am not the woman who is typing this comment by any means of my own. Its all God's grace and his will. Your post needs to be taught to the young girls, so they can learn their worth early on. Does your church have a mentoring program for girls? That thing that you went through and conquered, now makes you annointed for that very thing. Look at Gina, she ROCKS...coming into her own. Yes, I know her...Why, What's Up?

  2. Jen, I love love love your comment!! Both of the scriptures that you have presented are my testimonies. We haven't implemented the program yet; however, the vision for it is already there. This is all for His glory.. you have me excited all over again!!
