Thursday, May 19, 2011

Red Light, Green Light

I know when you saw the title your mind probably drifted back to a childhood game that you use to play. Although that game is relevant, that's not what this blog is about. It actually derives from one Saturday morning when I was on my way to class.
 I didn't leave from home as early as I should have so I was a little pressed for time. You should have seen me, I had that little black Sentra in the wind (don't tell my pastor..he'll get on us quick about obeying the laws of the land, I'm going to do better). I had just gotten off of my exit."Yes!" I thought, "I'm going to make it". As I was approaching the traffic light I watched it turn yellow, then red. That moment kinda reminded me of watching something fall in slow motion. You know what I mean right? When all you can do is reach out your hand and try to catch it while saying "nooooooo". I was fussing the entire time. "You should have just taken it" I told myself. "Now you're gonna be late for class" I thought. I even hollered at the light "COME ON AND TURN ALREADY" as if it could hear Regina really?
Why was I so upset? Because I viewed that red light as something that was hindering my progress. I had a destination to get to that was of great importance to me and I was stopped. Some of you may be facing some red lights right now. Perhaps you had a dream to start your own business and had to put it on hold. Maybe you were planning for a long awaited vacation and couldn't go because your money is looking funny. It could be that you are just trying to reach a certain point in your life but everything is at a standstill. Trust me, I understand. You may feel like throwing up your hands and saying what's the use. You may begin to beat yourself up concerning the things you could have done differently.  But guess what...the light will change!
Yep, I did all of that fussing and complaining for what???  The light turned green and I was on my way. Losing that space of time didn't affect the overall ending of my story. I made it to class on time and before a lot of the other students. I said all of that to say don’t let a temporary setback still your momentum, your hope, or aspirations. If you have to stop and regroup, do just that.
One of the scriptures that I love is this one right here: “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” Job 8:7. Oh yeah, I can’t forget this one: "And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm.." Joel 2:25. You should give God praise right where you are for your latter being greater. Say it with me, "My latter will be greater!" Your words have power. 
So let's not beat ourselves up about bad choices or dwell on where we could've been or could be. Instead, let's look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Let's entrust our lives to His leading and focus on where we're going. The trial is only for a moment. Weeping is only for a moment. Disappointment is only for a moment. The red light is only for a moment. The light will change. Your life will change!

Until next time......

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Peace Be Still

"Peace Be Still!!" How many times have you heard that phrase? I like to watch the Madea plays and always get a laugh as she echoes those words. It's a phrase that many of us like to quote, both believers and non-believers. All we know is that when the storms of life start raging, we want them to STOP!

You see the bible tells us something like this... the afflictions of the righteous are many but don't lose hope, the Lord, Jehovah Jireh, El Shaddai will deliver us out of all of them. Psalm 34:19. Did you get that? Basically if you are righteous you can expect to have afflictions but you can be confident that you won't stay in that state.

There have been many times I 've looked up towards heaven and thought "c'mon Lord, give me a break". It felt like Hurricane Hugo was centered around my life. Then one day I learned something that was very valuable. Some of the things that we go through have nothing to do with the enemy but are directly from God. Yep, you read it right. You may be thinking but God loves me He would never do me like that. Well, that's exactly why He does it. His word says He chastens who He loves. The NIV has it like this "..because the Lord disciplines those He loves, and He punishes everyone He accepts as a son." Hebrews 12:6. So just like your mom or dad went and got the switch off the tree (or made you get it) and tore your behind up, He has to get us like that some times. Our parents didn't discipline us because they were mean (although we thought so). They wanted us to be successful in life.

God just wants us to be successful in this race. He wants us to be stable so we are not easily shaken or knocked down when the wind blows. He wants us to be resilient and steadfast. He wants us to be confident in who we are and know whose we are. He wants to make sure His word has taken root within us. So when the wind blows and the rain starts to pour down don't cry, worry, or get your blood pressure up. Don't go raid your refrigerator. Don't stay cooped up in your room in the dark with your phone off the hook or on silent. Instead, look towards the sky and thank God that you are considered to be one of the righteous. What a privilege and honor! Know that eventually the winds will have to cease and the waters will calm. This too shall pass.You will have peace.

Until next time....